The origins of 80 Proof Comix Presents Tasty Treats is really clouded in mystery, as I cannot remember what made me start this one up, or use Jake Ace as the first story. Another puzzler was how Jake Ace went from cranberry juice and chewing gum(see Nov. 3) to whiskey in a flask and cigarettes(see Next Week). This version of Tasty Treats is one story per issue with the idea of rotating the characters each issue, but as it turned out you kind of stick with what's the funniest(at least to me) and the crossing guard crew had the best characters. Except for Issue 4(a failed experiment), I've enjoyed this run and have more or less been able to put out a book a year and will be posting them here as time goes on, and now that I've started this blog thing it maybe nice to start something new in the vein of the Dr. Tobor one sheets.

Tasty Treats #1 1997 #2 1998

Tasty Treats #3 1999-2000 #4 2001

Tasty Treats Back cover #4 #5 2002

Tasty Treats #6 2004

Tasty Treats #7 2005-2006
This ones a little short but I figure I'll write a little something as each issue is posted, I hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane, look for more doodles, some paintings, and finally some more comix(you gotta be tired at looking at all these covers). Enjoy Glenn
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