---This is Honest to your God of Choice True: I had just finished the issue, STORY and art were all done when a week or two later I'm watching The Simpsons and there is Krusty on stage doing his act and getting booed. He's getting booed for the same reason Max or Fuller is getting booed for telling old jokes-later in the episode he tries to figure ways to become "hip" kinda like the scene in this issue. Since I had not made any copies yet I was afraid that people would think I stole from The Simpsons which was not the case. This seems to have happened to me a couple of times, most recently I liked the idea of a doorway to another dimension or hell and was planning on doing the a new strip on that, but all of a sudden the Sci-Fi channel had a show like that, and there is some movie coming out with Robert Englund, and a direct to dvd movie, so I stopped thinking about such a strip. Now I have to come up with something else.

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