I didn't realize it has been almost a month since the last post, I guess I have(and here comes the short rant) been preoccupied with watching how the oil companies are getting us used to paying $3.00 for a gallon of gas. Which I'm sure is common in many areas of the U.S., and is down right cheap compared to oversea prices. Still I let a Dammit fly loose when I paid $3.29, what was sadder the person who used the pumped before me had only put in $5.00 worth of gas which amounted to little more than a gallon of gas. Unreal.
Anyways if you get the chance check out the movie Children Of Men, there is a scene that starts out so subtle that you really don't realize what's happening until the shit hits the fan-no cuts-one long take-almost dreamlike how the camera moves. A scene I wish I had seen on the big screen. Here is another oldie, and I will try to get back on the 1-2 week schedule. Also expect to see more Tasty Treat issues(even the mysterious 3a issue) as new Jake Ace(one sheets) will begin to pop up here as those run out. ENJOY
1 comment:
Excellent work Glenn! I hope to add more films to my account http://www.youtube.com/bobnebel
I just added "Outer Pit and the Space Pendulem" -- which you star.
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